International and National Family Day are celebrated every year on May 15 and September 26 respectively. Family day is celebrated all over the globe as a symbol of bond, love, and strength.

“When there is no light, the family will guide you home, When you feel alone, there is a family to call your own.”

Family’s significance is immense. A healthy, happy family is key to ensure peace, harmony, and welfare of the society as a whole.  Family gives you the roots to stand  tall and strong. . Family is like branches on a tree. We all grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one.

 This is precisely why the International Family Day aims towards honouring the social, economic, demographic changes and addressing issues pertaining to them; and bringing families closer. You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them. . Family is not defined by our genes, it is built and maintained through love. There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home that all the greatest virtues are created, strengthened and maintained.

Family view on the eye of  Famous wise man

A happy family is but an earlier heaven. – George Bernard Shaw

Rejoice with your family in the beautiful land of life. – Albert Einstein

In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony. – Friedrich Nietzsche

There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home that all the greatest virtues are created, strengthened and maintained. – Winston Churchill

Build a Good Relationship with your Child

There are small, simple things you can do every day to significantly boost your child’s development.

Share a Meal Together, Hugs and Kisses, Play a Game, Ask About Their Day, Work Out Together, Enjoy a Family Activity.

                             What you can do?

In this great day you can do many things for your family members like do some household works, spent quality times or you can give some GIFTS  for your Loved one.

Here are some ideas

Coffee mugs : It is a good choice . Here are some collection .

Click here For Coffee Mugs

Watch : This is also a good choice . See some collection

Click here For Watch

Shirt : See some shirt collection . Click here For Shirt

Click here For T-Shirt

Saree: Saree is a loved thing for women. See some collection .

Click here For Saree

Mobile : May be expensive but it is not a bad idea. And if you think earlier that you give your loved ones a mobile phone then this INTERNATIONAL FAMILY DAY would be a better choice .

So  Buy a Mobile

You can buy many things depending on your income . Here is some ideas you can chose. Click hereFor more Buying

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